Planning the clean, reliable, and affordable electricity system our future requires.
Electrification is one of the central pillars of the global transition to net zero. Cutting greenhouse gas emissions will require transforming many of our existing systems to run on electricity, eliminating emissions from power generation, and growing our grid to meet the increasing demand for affordable, reliable, and clean electricity.
Canada is fortunate to be starting from a position of strength. Our current electrical grid is already one of the cleanest in the world, and renewable energy is increasing in scale and decreasing in cost. But that doesn’t mean managing this transition will be easy. We need to decarbonize our commercial and residential buildings, transform how we power personal transportation and accelerate industrial electrification at the same time we’re growing our grid and increasing its efficiency. In a country as vast as Canada, this means acknowledging that different approaches will be needed in different regions, and working together to share knowledge and lessons learned on the road to decarbonization.
As demand for reliable and affordable electricity grows, what are the challenges and opportunities…