About Us

The Transition Accelerator is a pan-Canadian organization that works with others to solve societal challenges through positive, transformational system change. We’re helping to ensure Canada builds a prosperous and economically competitive future by identifying and advancing the pathways that lead to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

The foundations for our approach come from professors James Meadowcroft, David Layzell, and Normand Mousseau. Their report, The Transition Accelerator: Building Pathways to a Sustainable Future, outlines a unique methodology to empower innovators, improve policy design and implementation, and shift the terms of debate around climate change in a more constructive direction—and this approach is at the core of what we do.

Using this methodology, the Accelerator aims to harness existing economic, social and technological disruptions already affecting multiple sectors and regions. Building on the momentum that’s already underway, we act as a catalyst, convening innovators, progressive industry, researchers and other key groups into collaborative teams that advance Canada down credible, compelling and capable pathways to a stronger net-zero future.

We use our unique methodology to:

Define the positive net-zero future we want to realize

Create credible, capable and compelling pathways to this future

Launch self-sustaining, industry-driven coalitions to advance down these pathways to net-zero

Transitions are as much about people and behaviour as they are about technology and economics. The Transition Accelerator understands these dynamics, which is why we focus on systems, not individual technologies.”

Dr. Dan Wicklum, CEO, The Transition Accelerator