Towards a Fuel Hydrogen Economy in the Calgary Region

Volume 5, Issue 1
February, 2023
By David Layzell, Dinara Millington, Robert Lee

The Calgary Region is superbly positioned to take a leadership role in transitioning to a vibrant hydrogen economy that can position Calgary, Alberta and Canada as a key part of the climate change solution. The region has large potential markets for fuel hydrogen and the resources and workforce to produce and make cost-effective, very low GHG hydrogen available where it is needed.

This report explores the Calgary region’s potential to establish a hydrogen hub and link with other hubs to create transportation corridors, providing recommendations for how Calgary can take advantage of the opportunity. Such a start can rapidly grow in scale and then expand to hydrogen use for heat and power generation, attracting new industries.

About the Authors

Cite as: Layzell D.B., Millington D. and Lee R. (2023) Towards a Fuel Hydrogen Economy in the Calgary Region: A Feasibility Study. Transition Accelerator Reports: Volume 5, Issue 1. Pp 1-64. ISSN2562-6264 (English Report). Version 1.