The Potential Impact of Electric Vehicles on Alberta’s Energy Systems

CESAR Scenarios: Volume 1, Issue 2
March, 2016
By David Layzell, Bastiaan Straatman

This report was originally published by Canadian Energy Systems Analysis Research (CESAR) at the University of Calgary.

To explore the implications for Alberta of plug-in electric vehicles (EVs) on energy and environmental factors (including oil and electricity demand and emissions of greenhouse gas and criteria air contaminants), three scenarios to 2040 were developed and compared to a fourth, ‘reference’ scenario. The scenario models generated numerous insights discussed in the report, many of them being relevant for policy development.

About the Authors

David Layzell, PhD

Transition Pathway Principal

David B. Layzell is an Energy Systems Architect with the Transition Accelerator, a Faculty Professor at the University of Calgary, and Director of the Canadian Energy Systems Analysis Research CESAR Initiative. Between 2008 and 2012, he was Executive Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy (ISEEE), a cross-faculty, graduate research, and training institute at the University of Calgary. Before moving to Calgary, he was a Professor of Biology at Queen’s University cross appointments in Environmental Studies and the School of Public Policy), and Executive Director of BIOCAP Canada, a research foundation focused on biological solutions to climate change. While at Queen’s he cofounded a scientific instrumentation company called Qubit Systems Inc and was elected ‘Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (FRSC) for his research contributions.


Cite as: Layzell DB and Straatman B, 2016. The Potential Impact of Electric Vehicles on Alberta’s Energy Systems. CESAR Scenarios (March 2016) Volume 1, Issue 2: 1-26.