Strategic Framework for Accelerating Sustainable Agriculture in Canada: Recommendations for Philanthropy

September, 2023
By Peter Andrée, Beth Hunter, James Meadowcroft

Commissioned by a small group of Canadian philanthropic foundations interested in strengthening the focus and alignment of their work around agriculture and organized by the Transition Accelerator, this project was designed to answer the following question: What strategic opportunities exist today for philanthropic foundations and their agriculture-focused partners and grantees to accelerate the shift towards sustainable agriculture in Canada?

The analysis presented here is based on a desk-based survey of literature, more than 50 interviews with a wide range of experts and stakeholders, six focus groups (on payment for environmental services, beef, dairy, organics, novel proteins, and sustainable diets), and a two-day strategy workshop. The report identifies strategic opportunities for philanthropy to contribute to advancing more sustainable agricultural systems in Canada.

About the Authors

Peter Andrée

Peter Andrée is Professor in the Department of Political Science at Carleton University. His research focuses on the politics of agriculture, food and the environment. He practices, and teaches, community-based participatory research methods and mixed-methods research.

Beth Hunter

Executive Director

Beth Hunter is the Executive Director of FoodBridge.  A seasoned bilingual food and agriculture innovator, she was previously Program Director at the McConnell Foundation, leading the Sustainable Food Systems Initiative and working on the Foundation’s Climate and Reconciliation programs. A co-founder of Équiterre and the Community Supported Agriculture network, she holds a Master’s degree in Rural Economics from Laval University.


James Meadowcroft, PhD

Transition Pathway Principal

James Meadowcroft, PhD, is a professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration at Carleton University where he has held a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in Governance for Sustainable Development. He has written widely on environmental politics and policy, democratic participation and deliberative democracy, national sustainable development strategies and socio-technical transitions. Recent work focuses on energy and the transition to a low-carbon society and includes publications on carbon capture and storage (CCS), smart grids, the development of Ontario’s electricity system, the politics of socio-technical transitions and negative carbon emissions.


Cite as: Andrée P., Hunter B., and Meadowcroft J. (2023). Strategic Framework for Accelerating Sustainable Agriculture in Canada: Recommendations for Philanthropy. Transition Accelerator. Version 3.