Mobility as a service in Quebec

Volume 2, Issue 3
August, 2020
By Normand Mousseau, Florian Pedroli

This report lists the different mobility services that exist in Quebec, in particular for car sharing, personal vehicle sharing and fleets of self-service cars. It also provides information on some projects that group different means of transportation together and apps that enable users to identify the best services available to make a trip. Finally, this report analyzes select recent and upcoming technological developments and examines of the impacts of land use planning on mobility.

About the Authors

Normand Mousseau, PhD

Transition Pathway Principal

Normand Mousseau, PhD, is a professor of physics at Université de Montréal and Academic Director of the Trottier Energy Institute at Polytechnique Montréal. His research includes the study of complex materials, energy and natural resources. He is actively involved with energy and climate policy, having co-chaired the Quebec Commission on Energy Issues in 2013, and published a number of books in this field.


Cite as: Pedroli F, Mousseau N. 2020. Mobility as a service in Quebec. Transition Accelerator Reports, Vol. 2, No 3, Pg 1-26. ISSN 2562-6272.